DADAstrology: Jupiter in Gemini Pt 1
Astrologer Vivian Hecimovich joins me to TALKTALKTALK about the beneficent giant, Jupiter, and its new ingress into a mercurial place
During the last weeks of Jupiter’s time in Taurus, I had the delight of recording an episode of DADAstrology with the Chicago based astrologer, Vivian Hecimovich of Stars in Alignment.
Our intent was to focus on Jupiter’s time in Gemini, but, as tends to happen whenever you invoke Mercury’s airy spirit, the conversation took on a thousand lives of its own.
The following interview is a continuation of that discussion — and an attempt at clarity. For those newer to astrology, we offer some basic meditations around the greater benefic and what to expect from its time in a mercurial place.
Vivi Henriette: Let’s start from the beginning. When you’re introducing Jupiter to new astrology students, where do you begin?
What is your personal relationship with the greater benefic?
(For the astro students, there are two planets in astrology that are classified as “benefics” or bringers of beneficence, Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter is the “greater benefic” while Venus is the “lesser benefic.” Which feels like a slap in the face to Venus, but, when we spend time studying the Thema Mundi, or “world chart,” a logic begins to emerge.)
Vivian Hecimovich: The thing I first communicate about Jupiter is its association with ideals. It speaks to what, as a concept, connects people with their ideological truths. I think often people get Jupiter a little twisted. It was the planet associated with moral order. Jupiter represents truth as well as confirmation. I believe that Jupiter has become especially conflated with faith as well as material wealth. It’s absolutely crucial to separate those preconceived notions from what Jupiter actually expresses, both by transit and in the natal chart itself.
While Jupiter is definitely a planet of expansion, it’s also a planet of justice. Jupiter does not necessarily show us where we will be wealthy, though it does promote growth. Jupiter in the chart creates emphasis. So Jupiter in the 8th will exaggerate things that we get through others as well as things we owe to others. It’s a house of debts. Jupiter in the 2nd will place emphasis on our foundational independence or our connection to our own resources.
As far as my personal relationship with Jupiter, I think as Jupiter resides in a hidden house, and conjunct Mars, in a day chart, it’s one I have to actively work with. Obviously we’ve spoken about my tattoo of the glyph of Jupiter, but from a more devotional, or practice-oriented place, I have to remember that when Jupiter is getting hit by transit, Mars is also getting that same transit. So I look to Jupiter for protection, if that makes sense.
Jupiter in the 8th is a story that involves karma, and key players to help activate its expression. While Jupiter is the greater benefic here, it operates through the air temple of Saturn and is constantly being checked by Mars. Both of the malefics connected to my own Jupiter. I have to accept that often the greatest things in my life come with a price, and happen in conjunction with some of the more challenging experiences in my life.
I listened to your super entertaining podcast with Rose Blakelock aka Mutable Cross today, and you both have Jupiter in its own sign!
Vh: It amazes me how astrology is the bigger picture and the individual story.
Indeed! My Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 5th house presents a much different narrative than yours. My greatest gifts come in waves of fire and exhaustion! What I can relate to is the idea of emphasis and justice.
Jupiter always finds a way to put us in our place.
Thinking about Jupiter’s ingress into Gemini, the question that comes to mind is how does Jupiter create order among the swarm of bees that is Mercury’s mutable air home?
VH: I’ve been thinking a lot about this, actually. I think part of what Jupiter does is to create its own order. While Jupiter in Gemini is fallen, it still remains a benefic. Operating through Mercury’s temple implies that order itself is subjective.
I read recently that debilitated planets can be a marker of neurodivergence in the native. There is an idea that a planet thinks or behaves atypically when in detriment or exile. I think we can apply that concept to what to expect collectively with Jupiter in its fall. The nature of Gemini, and that of Mercury, is subject to change. We step into a space where there is room for skepticism — and create an order from the freedom to change our minds.
The Jupiterian truth of Gemini is that of a beginner’s mind. Order is created through the investigation of ideas and, possibly, the subsequent rejection or discarding of those ideas. Perhaps this idea of “order” with Jupiter is more a moral order and one concerned with the consumption and communication of new information.
Vh: Ooh! As someone who sees my natal Mercury in Pisces (double debilitation) as a site of my neurodivergence, this tracks.
I love thinking about Jupiter in Gemini as being a catalyst for innovation around how we consume information — in ways that feel both chaotic and exciting.
On a recent trip to the desert, I picked up this vintage pendant featuring twin bearded wizards surrounded by what may be an eagle and a snake and something else. It’s pretty psychedelic.
That’s the image I’m putting to your description of Jupiter in Gemini: psychedelic twin Wizards. We all know Mercury is the magician-psychopomp, but I don’t think there’s enough talk about Jupiter being the ultimate shapeshifter. (Shoutout to Jason Holley for creating a whole webinar around this idea.)
All of that stated, what advice do you have for folks looking to make the most of Jupiter’s ingress into the Gemini land of their personal charts and lives?
VH: I love the idea of the shapeshifter! We can look to Jupiter in Gemini as a magician of sorts — or an alchemist. Jupiter entering a new house, and potentially joining planets in that house, is a way of creating a new identity for that space.
For me, it enters my 12th house. I know that the significations for the 12th (aka mala fortuna or the house of bad spirit) have a nebulous quality, but the idea that Jupiter will alchemize a space of creation is exciting!
Jupiter in Gemini truly has the potential to support us through the concept of fluidity. If Jupiter enters the 3rd, the nature of communication or the environment will be examined and questioned, to eventually find a new stasis. Jupiter in Taurus expresses its benefic nature by examining security and growth potential. Jupiter in Gemini expands through change.
Vivian is Stars in Alignment, an astrologer residing in Chicago. Her practice is a blend of both Hellenistic and modern archetypal astrology.
She practices tarot, astrology, and candle magic (candle fixing).
All three practices are a way of tapping into the deeper parts of the psyche for the purposes of healing and personal growth.
Her focus: one on one live sessions with clients, but also has been known to read at events or small gatherings.
You can find Vivian on IG and Threads under @stars_in_alignment
Website and booking info:
Vivi Henriette is an LA-based astrologer and tarot reader whose collaborative approach to divination weaves in storytelling and mythology to create a container for her clients to explore their personal narrative.
Book a reading with Vivi HERE.
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Great convo on Jupiter!